CRAC director

Dr. Robin Mellors-Bourne

Director of Research and Intelligence

Robin joined CRAC in 2004 as Commercial & Business Development Director, but has led its research and evaluation operations since 2009. His primary research interests include: transitions into and from higher education; career decision-making; internships, placements and work experience; careers in engineering and STEM; postgraduate and research careers; diversity and inclusion; and impact evaluation studies. He has created and led over 60 career- and HE-related research or evaluation studies, using a wide range of methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative as well as secondary data studies, with students, graduates, postgraduates, alumni and staff in HE institutions and other employment settings.
He is an expert on HE research careers and has developed the career-related evidence base that underpins the Vitae programme. He is regarded as a national expert on researcher careers data and career tracking and has represented the UK on this at international fora.

Dr. Robin Mellors-Bourne